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GLP-1R Transduction Regulation

GLP-1R is widely distributed in pancreatic islets, stomach, small intestine, heart, kidney, lung, brain and other tissues and organs, and when it is activated by GLP-1 or synthetic GLP-1R agonists, it can exert a variety of different physiological functions. In pancreatic islet cells, the main role of GLP-1R is to promote the proliferation of pancreatic islet β cells, stimulate the synthesis and release of insulin, and inhibit the synthesis and release of glucagon. In tissues such as the gastrointestinal tract, GLP-1R can inhibit gastric juice secretion and peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, delay gastric emptying, increase satiety, and reduce food intake. In nerve tissue, GLP-1R can protect nerve cells, resist loss of appetite, and enhance memory. In terms of cardiovascular, GLP-1R can improve cardiovascular function and reduce inflammationGLP-1R is a pleiotropic coupled receptor that regulates cellular pathways mainly by coupling with a variety of G proteins. In addition to this, GLP-1R can also promote the proliferation and differentiation of pancreatic islet β cells by activating signaling pathways. In addition, GLP-1R can also inhibit apoptosis by regulating cAMP response element binding proteins and protein resurrection factors Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL.


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